Use the following methods to contact us
4th floor, Southwest Wing, Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, Technology Institute Building, end of Research Blvd., Tehran
Plate 3, West 5th Alley, 29th Fatah St., Fatah Highway (Tehran to Karaj Old Road) Tehran
Plate 3, West 5 Alley, 29 Fatah St., Fatah Highway, Tehran
Rayin Sanat Medical Engineering Company was established in 2004 with the efforts of a professional team of engineers with various specialties in the fields of medicine, electronics and mechanics. From the very beginning, our goal was to produce and provide products with high technology and innovation that can meet domestic needs in the best possible way.
Unit 306, 4th floor, Technological Institutes Building, Tarbiat Modares University Science and Technology Park, end of Harush Blvd., Tehran.
982166821008+, 982166829340+ 982166820811+, 982144761765+, 982144761766+,982144707097+